Unveiling the True Cost of Microsoft Sentinel

February 15, 2024

Choosing a security solution isn't a solo act. It's a delicate dance between diverse stakeholders, each with their own priorities. Finance seeks budget-friendly options, IT emphasizes user-friendliness, Risk Management demands visibility, and Cybersecurity craves coverage, efficacy, and seamless integration. Finding the sweet spot where everyone wins is paramount.

According to a World Economic Forum study, security executives shouldn't be left operating in a silo. Empowering them goes beyond technical evaluations. It's about assessing future ramifications, including how pricing evolves and how the chosen solution impacts business outcomes. Yet, short-term costs often trump long-term security needs, leading to alluring "free" solutions that might not be truly cost-effective.

Microsoft Sentinel, a popular cloud-based SIEM platform, often enjoys the "free" association thanks to its Microsoft 365 connection. However, this perception is far from reality.

Unmasking the Hidden Costs of Microsoft Sentinel:

  • The "free" trial lasts a mere 31 days.
  • Sentinel isn't part of Microsoft 365; it requires an E5 license.
  • Only a limited set of logs are free; most incur additional charges.
  • Pricing hinges on data consumption, making budgeting a guessing game. Global data volume is projected to reach a staggering 175 zettabytes by 2025.
  • Full log storage isn't free, even within Azure. Retention periods come with a price tag.

Is Sentinel worth the cost? It's a nuanced answer.

  • For organizations heavily invested in the Microsoft ecosystem, Sentinel might fit the bill.
  • For others, particularly those with large data volumes or non-Microsoft environments, costs can spiral quickly.
  • Limiting data ingestion due to cost concerns creates visibility gaps, jeopardizing your security posture.

View Microsoft Sentinel pricing here

Log retention presents another layer of complexity.

  • Sentinel's free retention period is just 90 days. Compliance and forensics often necessitate longer periods, leading to additional charges.
  • Healthcare (HIPAA) and the EU (GDPR) mandate extended retention periods, further increasing costs.

View HIPAA mandate here

View GDPR regulations here

Brace yourself for additional TCO bumps.

  • Microsoft Defender, Azure Logic Apps, and UEBA are not included in the base price.
  • Most SOC teams rely on these tools for a complete TDIR process, inflating costs further.

Data residency concerns loom large in the EU.

  • Microsoft can't guarantee geofencing for Sentinel, potentially violating Schrems II compliance.
  • EU-based organizations risk hefty fines for non-compliance.

Limited third-party integrations pose challenges.

  • Sentinel lacks native support for non-Microsoft products.
  • Analysts must learn ASIM to build custom parsers, adding complexity.
  • Gartner predicts 80% of enterprises will adopt unified access platforms by 2025, highlighting the need for broader integrations.

A complex taxonomy and KQL query language demand investment.

  • The absence of a single, source-agnostic taxonomy hampers workflows and increases MTTR.
  • Learning KQL adds a training burden for analysts, impacting resource allocation.

Choosing the right SIEM requires careful consideration. While Sentinel might seem like a budget-friendly option initially, hidden costs and limitations can make it less economical in the long run.

Exploring Alternatives: Logpoint Steps Up to the Plate

Logpoint offers a compelling alternative with several advantages:

  • Compliance with GDPR, Schrems II, and other regulations.
  • Predictable pricing based on nodes or users, not data volume.
  • Free SOAR seat included.
  • Seamless integrations with over 600 vendors.
  • Unified platform for SIEM, SOAR, UEBA, and endpoint security.

View Logpoint Converged SIEM page here

Remember, the best SIEM aligns with your organisation's present and future needs. Carefully evaluate all options, considering true costs and long-term value, before making a decision.

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